Please fill out the form below, be as precise as possible and don’t leave any field empty. We will assist you as soon as possible, thank you.
1. Who is your contact person? NathanJonDavidPascalLaurentOther 2. What is your name? 3. What is your phone number? (format +32xxxxxxxx) 4. Where did we meet? BelhabitatBatibouwBHArts ménagerBatirenoRecommendationInternal website 5. What is the address of your project? 6. Your email address 7. What is the timeline for your project? Urgent (1 to 3 months)Medium-term (3 to 6 months)Long-term (more than 6 months) 8. What type of system would you like to install? Air-to-air heat pump (ATA)Air-to-water heat pump (ATW)Geothermal heat pump (GEO)Photovoltaic with batteryPhotovoltaic without batteryBoiler replacementControlled mechanical ventilation (CMV)Energy advice and optimizationCombined installation (multiple techniques) 9. Comments or additional details about your project
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